Hello Again,
As I'm watching the presidential hopefuls worked their magic across the United States it occurs to me that most of them have no idea what is really going on in America. So much of what they do is international now, what happens in our little country doesn't seem to matter. It's as if the president of the United States is really like the president of the world. We have our nose in everyone else's business. It seems to me that the more of a non politicians we can have in the White House the better off we could be. Ron Paul says we should get back to the Constitution Of The United States. I agree. People came to this land to start an Independent or Sovereign Nation. We have become so not that. We can't mind our own business and take care of our nation so we have to go around the world telling everyone else how it should be done. Well I have got some breaking news for you, Our way is not working. We have so many things that are broken. The first of which is the government. I can't believe that Former President Bush Sr. hasn't called up his son current President Bush and told him to pull his head out of his ass. He has single handedly alienated the Republican Party. From most of it's own people for heavens sake. He is so detached from reality that he has no idea what the hell is happening to us. When I say us, I mean us. The people of the United States of America. He works for us period. When was the last time he had to go to the grocery store, sit in traffic, or help a friend move out of their house because it has been for foreclosed on. Our government is the laughing stock of the world. I know some of you are saying we are so much better off that the rest of the world. I agree that our country has so many wonderful things, starting with the people. I could go on about all the great things we have in the United States, but this is not a thank you letter. I want everyone to think about how we can improve ourselves. If we don't know what is broken we can't fix it. Most of the people I know have their friends and family around them telling them that what they do is OK. It's OK to eat that piece of pie, or it's OK to take a drug to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol because you're to lazy to do the work necessary to fix it yourself. It's OK that we are helping the rest of the world and not ourselves. Well I'm the one who tells them that's not OK. Who will be there to rescue them when we no longer exist. "You give a man a fish and you feed him for the day, you teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". We cannot teach that what we do not know. The first thing we can do is take responsibility for what we are doing. You noticed that I didn't say what we did. We can't change the past and it doesn't matter who is to blame. I watch our government waste to much time and money on that already. Who the hell cares what over paid baseball player took drugs. Thats my money you are using to meet and greet your favorite player Senator Moron. We need to move ahead and that means remembering how we became the Nation everyone wanted to be at one time. We are not that now. When I have someone ask me about nutrition or fitness, I just tell them get back to the basics. They are so confused with all the stuff out there about health and fitness. It's overwhelming. That is how we have gotten ourselves in this mess with the rest of the world. We need to get back to the basics. Smaller government is the only way. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing so we end up winding our ass and scratching our watch. Stop the insanity.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
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