Saturday, October 31, 2009

Just like San Diego

Today is one of those days here in Texas that we don't mind the weather. Actually it remindes me of when we lived in San Diego. On my Google home page I have both Austin weather and San Diego weather so I can view them both everyday. You see I miss my old home and the beautiful weather. The summers here in Texas can be quite brutal. So everyday when I turn on my computer I would miss it even more. I think that is some form of self torture. Exccept for days like today. When you see both forcast side by side.
The morning was on of those crisp cool ones with clear skys and fresh coffee. Well at my house anyway. We had a good run down at the lake and enjoyed Wahoo's for lunch. Hit the downtown Whole Foods and made it back for a quiet evening on the J bar J ranch.
We have a saying around here; If you don't like the weather just wait ten minutes and it will change. Well today is a day we want time to slow to a crawl.

Love Life

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